By: admin On: May 22, 2016 In: Margy's Books Comments: 0

Ephesians 2:10 reveals a beautiful truth about you and your purpose in life. “You are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus, so you can do the good things He planned for you long ago (Ephesians 2:10).” God prepared this Bible study, knowing before you were even born, that you would spend the next six weeks learning how to become a woman of influence. You were created by God to influence the world around you. Influence explains why you are here. Influence satisfies your desire to be significant. Influence settles your matter of worth and value, because in Christ your life has purpose and meaning. Influence speaks to a life of eternal impact. Influence causes you to live for something greater than yourself. Imagine what changes might take place in your life, if you decided to intentionally influence lives, not because you have to, but because you get to! Not because it is your Christian obligation, but because you know and believe God created you with a purpose and a plan for your life – a life that is meant to bring you a fullness of joy and meaning – an opportunity to live for the glory of God. Theologian J.B. Miller writes: There have been meetings of only a moment which have left impressions for life…for eternity. No one can understand that mysterious thing we call influence. ..Yet every one of us continually exerts influence either to heal, to bless, to leave marks of beauty; or to wound, to hurt, to poison, or to stain other lives. Let’s be those women who use our influence to heal, to bless, and to leave marks of beauty on every person our lives touch. Let’s become women like Esther, who answer God’s call for “such a time as this,” women who strongly desire to make an eternal difference in our perspective spheres of influence.


Becoming a Woman of Influence Paperback – April 5, 2016 by Margy Hill (Author)

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