Are you longing today for a “blessed” life?
As we begin our journey through Psalm 119 we are told right away that
“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD!” Psalm 119:1
“Blessed” speaks of a deep seated joy, peace, and contentment which comes from knowing we are right with God.
What we must take away from today’s Scripture is that the “blessed” life is ours because of what Jesus has done for you and for me.
We are emotional creatures, aren’t we? Throw in the “hormonal” battle and those emotions are intensified! But this “blessed” life is not a statement based on the inconsistencies of our emotions, it is a statement based on FACT.
The question that comes to mind immediately is this? If the condition is “perfection” who then can be blessed? Whose way is blameless?
If this “blessedness” were based on our ability to be perfect, then we would all fail miserably. After all the word “undefiled” means “without blemish”, “complete”, “full” and “perfect”. I don’t know about you but when is the last time you went even a day and got it all right!
But because we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, God looks upon us and sees us “undefiled” and that is a truth we must take hold of and allow it to root deep down in our hearts.
We will sin, but living in the knowledge that we are “perfect” in the sight of God, and accepting what Christ has done for us, will keep us on the way to wholeness. When we fail, this truth will help us to quickly confess and get back up and walk confidently in the way of blessing.
We need to walk in the truth of what Christ has done and continues to do. He saves to the uttermost and we can and should wake up every morning “BLESSED”!
Making it meaningful
Psalm 32 has been called “The Joy of Forgiveness”. Knowing, appreciating, and walking in God’s forgiveness will revive us! It will keep us from condemnation, self-pity and self-loathing.
Pray and then read Psalm 32 and journal every precious truth that the Lord speaks to you.
Ask yourself these three questions:
- Have I embraced God’s forgiveness in my life?
- Is there any sin I have committed that I believe God is unable to forgive?
- As I walk in His forgiveness, am I able to forgive others?
Working it into my heart
Read Ephesians chapter 1:1-14 and remind yourself of why you are “BLESSED”! Write down in your journal all that you have in CHRIST!
When you are finished, pray Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:15-22 and make it your own.
Don’t let the enemy tell you that your life is anything less than BLESSED!