By: admin On: May 07, 2012 In: Delight, Remember, Word of God Comments: 0
A Word on Psalm 119:16 from Margy
I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your Word.

Psalm 119:16

Word of God, Remember, Delight

In 15th-century Germany, it was supposed that the wearers of the “forget me not” would not be forgotten by their lovers. Legend has it that in medieval times, a knight and his lady were walking along the side of a river. He picked a posy of flowers, but because of the weight of his armor he fell into the river. As he was drowning he threw the posy to his loved one and shouted “Forget-me-not.” The flower was often worn by ladies as a sign of faithfulness and enduring love.

What a beautiful picture of the Psalmist who proclaims, “I will not forget Your Word” — for he possessed an enduring love, not for his loved one but the Word of God!
Word of God, Remember, Delight


What sort of things do we make sure we don’t forget?

The things we delight in – anniversaries, birthdays or our favorite television show. It is easy to remember the experiences we enjoy most.

Those moments for the Psalmist were the times He spent in God’s Word.

Is that experience true of you today? Do you so delight in the Word of God that you never forget to open up your Bible everyday? Or have you seen your time spent in the Word as a duty, an obligation, or a ritual that no longer brings you joy and pleasure?

We need to remember that when we come to God’s Word it is more than a book – it is a Person:

In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God…And the Word became flesh (John 1:1, 14)

How often we forget the truth of this Scripture – that when we come to the Word of God, we come to Him!

  • To spend time with Him
  • To enjoy conversation with Him
  • To learn more about Him
  • To grow in our love and relationship with Him
    Word of God, Remember, Delight
    Jesus would say, “Forget Me Not”!

    I am sure a few of you (maybe many) would join me in a good laugh as we recognize that as we age we begin to forget things – can you relate?

    Does, “Where did I put my keys” ring a bell?  I am resorting to handwritten notes to remind me of things I easily forget.  But I can tell you that as I age, the Word of God is something that I don’t forget- So attached to it am I that I never forget to bring my Bible with me wherever I go.


    Perhaps what I love most about this verse is the determination of the Psalmist who says


    For him, memory was a matter of the will and connected with his resolve was his delight in God’s Word. The more you take pleasure in learning and obeying God’s Word, the more you are going to remember it.

    For the things you delight in will be the things you don’t forget!

    My son, do not forget my law,

    But let your heart keep my commands;

    For length of days and long life

    And peace they will add to you.

    Proverbs 3:1-2

    Word of God, Remember, Delight

    As we continue on our journey to revival we do not want to forget that when we come to God’s Word we come into deeper intimacy and relationship with Him. May we experience the sheer delight of His presence every time we turn the pages of His Word!

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