By: admin On: March 03, 2014 In: Devotional, Humility, Victorious Comments: 0

Humility; Women's Ministry; Abigail; Devotional
A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor. 
Proverbs 29:23


Now that we have a better understanding of what submission is (Part 1 – Understanding Submission), we want to now take a closer look and see how submission is to practically play out in our lives. Though Sarah, the wife of Abraham, offers us a great and commonly used biblical example, I want to take a look at Abigail. She certainly was one of those women Peter also describes in 1 Peter 3:5—

For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands.

Abigail’s example answers many of the questions women ask about submission. Her husband was hardly the godly man. He was a very rich man named Nabal who owned three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. Scripture is clear to tell us right from the start that he was harsh and evil in his doings. His very name meant “fool”! Imagine being his wife!

David and his men were hiding out in the hills where Nabal lived and kept his flocks. Thanks to David, Nabal’s shepherds and his flocks were protected. When David asked for a favor for some much needed supplies for his men, Nabal fiercely refused. Needless to say Nabal’s ungratefulness greatly angered David and he set out with his men to kill Nabal and every man in his household.

Abigail heard of the situation and knew her husband had refused to give David what he asked for. She also knew her husband would be less than pleased with what she was about to do, but she set out to meet David and brought along with her the supplies he had requested. She bowed and humbled herself before David and pleaded with David to spare her husband and their household. She reminded David of his future, that he one day would reign as Israel’s king. David accepted her gifts and received her wisdom. After that, God struck Nabal dead and David took Abigail as his wife!

Abigail found herself in the middle of a trying circumstance completely brought about by her husband! How do you submit in a situation like this? What were her options?

· She could have yelled and screamed at her husband for making such a stupid mistake.

· She could have followed her husband’s lead and done nothing – after all she would have been rid of Nabal!

But instead we see a very wise woman seek to risk her life to spare her husband’s and those men in her household. Abigail chose to place her husband’s life above her own and intercede before David on Nabal’s behalf. This is true submission and we learn a valuable lesson – submission is not always expressed in obedience to men. Abigail submitted first to God and the Word of God.

Scripture speaks highly of Abigail’s character. In 1 Samuel 25:3 she was said to be a woman of good understanding. I love the Hebrew word “sekel” which implies that Abigail was wise, a woman of prudence, discretion and good sense. Wisdom is knowledge applied and Abigail not only knew the Word but understood how to walk it out.

She kept a level head and trusted in her God. She also knew David was a man of God and if he were true to his God, he would give her a hearing. Abigail’s example of humility is striking. Her composure and self-control kept her from yelling at and blaming her husband. She bowed before David assuming responsibility for a sin she did not commit, asking for forgiveness.

What can we learn from Abigail’s example? Much!

Submission does not mean that we follow in the sin of those in authority; that stands in total contradiction to the Word of God. We first submit to God and His Word. We are to respond and walk in His ways and often in trying situations, like Abigail’s, we need to seek God’s wisdom. Abigail did not have a lot of time to think through her situation, but her response clearly reveals that she drew from a foundation of godly character that had been built over time. Her self-control was remarkable and we too need to think before we speak. She sought to be a peacemaker in the situation and not cause further trouble.

Let us not miss Abigail’s example of intercession. She bowed before David, and we bow before God and intercede on behalf of our husbands and those in authority over us. Abigail trusted God to take care of Nabal and He sure did just that!!! Abigail was blessed by her obedience to God and His Word. She saved David from making a foolish mistake that could have cost him his reputation.

Our “attitude” is key when it comes to the question of submission. How can we practically work the example of Abigail into our own lives?

· Seeking God for wisdom in each situation should be your first response.

· Intercede for those in authority over you.

· Adopt a position of humility with a willingness to esteem others better than yourself.

· Be sure the fruit of the Spirit is evidenced in your responses.

· Trust God with the results.

For Further Study

Exodus 1:15-20 (Shiphrah and Puah)

Daniel 3:12-18 (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego)

Acts 5:22-29 (Disciples)

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