By: admin On: April 27, 2016 In: Rahab, Redemption, Victorious Comments: 0
By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe,
when she had received the spies with peace.
Hebrews 11:31
Victorious, Rahab, Redemption

It’s possible to be so bound up in the past, that you can’t fully live in the present.

Can you name the things in your past which are still hanging around your neck? Are there times when you are living in the past instead of pressing forward for what God has for you in the future?
Many Christian women struggle all of their lives trying to overcome their past. Rahab, a young Canaanite prostitute, was not one of them. If she would have let her past dictate her future, we would not find her story in the hall of faith. Like Rahab, we must be careful to let go of the past and embrace Christ’s redemptive work in our lives.

Women keenly feel the pain…

Women keenly feel the pain that a past of sexual immorality brings. Some have believed false promises; some have been forced beyond their will; some have been betrayed, many just wanted to be loved. The consequences of choices in a life without God have damaged many women’s souls. So we must remember that once we come to Christ, our pasts no longer matter. The slate is wiped clean for all who believe and accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Rahab was no longer viewed as an unclean prostitute, but one worthy by grace to be part of the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as she was grafted into the line of Christ, so we become daughters of God and partakers in His inheritance.

God saves the worst sinners…

As we study Rahab’s life, we learn of the amazing grace of God that can save even the worst of sinners and bring them into an abundant life in Christ Jesus. If you would like to be free from your past, begin this week by telling God that you are willing to put the past behind you! You may not believe it’s possible to do, but with God all things are possible. Don’t risk being a victim to your past; study Rahab’s life and embrace the victory that is yours in Christ!

Many women including Rahab, who were once plagued by a sexual past, are walking in freedom today, because they understand and believe in the power of Jesus’ blood. They have been set free from the prisons of guilt, bitterness, anger, self-loathing and hatred and walk in the future of all the great things God has planned for them!

Dig deeper into Rahab’s life

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